Friday, February 19, 2010

I know, I know

I am fully aware that I have not run all week. I wouldn't feel guilty about it if it wasn't for this blog. Which, I guess is the entire point of me starting it in the first place.

It's just when things seem to fall apart, the last thing I want to do is get on a treadmill. A date with Leslie Knope is much more my style.

And just so you know, this weekend is already a throwaway. I'm making pies WITH MY HANDS for my mom's birthday. And so, yeah, I think you see where this is going. Yum.

Monday, February 15, 2010


Guests and family and a few other things have halted my running at the moment. I am not giving up, however. Just taking a teeny break.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Doing it again

I didn't think there would be another update on this blog ever, ever again.

Honestly, the race was so NOT FUN that I was ready to quit all this, just like I quit all the other exercise routines I start. But then I thought about my three readers (hello!) and about how much I want to go to New York and so I took myself to the gym and started over again.

It was as if everything was telling me not to go. Marina was sick with a fever, so there was guilt about that. Then I forgot my water bottle. And the water fountain at the Y wasn't working. (Is that even legal?) Every little thing I took as a sign to just go home.

But I made it to the treadmill, and instead of concentrating on how long it takes me to run two miles or how long I can run without stopping, I just started running. And after a few minutes, I didn't feel tired at all. I was actually, OMG, having fun! And so that feeling, I imagine, is what Matt feels all the time. It only lasted me a total of four minutes, tops, but, hey, it's a start.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

First race photo

6 a.m. and ready to run.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Weirdest 5K, ever

Man, do I hate running.

Maybe I just hate outside running where machines can't tell you how fast or how far you're going. Because this race felt like it took forever. And, as it turns out, it did!

Instead of marking a standard, 3.1-mile course, this race was actually four miles. See, but nobody knew that because there were no mile markers along the way. Only after I crossed the poorly-marked finish line did I find out that, yes, there was a reason why this run was sucking so hard. Because it was four miles!
(The race organizers later apologized for their mistake online and renamed it the Super extended 5K.)

So in the end, finishing in 57:20 wasn't quite as bad as it originally seemed back when I thought I was running the slowest 3 miles, ever.

And the best part of the run had nothing to do with my music selection, but it was when I was halfway through and I saw Matt walking in the grass with both girls in his arms. When they saw me, I was running, not walking, and for a few tiny seconds, everything felt right.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Guess what?

It's raining.
And there's no signs of it stopping in time for the race.


What will I do?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Last run before the race

and I have no good music WHATSOEVER programmed for the big day.

In fact, I owe my amazing time today (two miles in 30:10) to the fact that I was so distracted from trying to find something decent on my iPod that I didn't notice I had run an entire mile without stopping.

That's a lie. I totally noticed.

Another thing: I had been factoring my five minute warmup in my two mile time. Now, I walk for five minutes, stop the treadmill and then start again.
So it's not like I actually improved my time by two entire minutes, but let's pretend that I did.

Back to the music. Maybe it was my mood, or the fact that I had so many things to do that I had to write a schedule out for myself that was broken down in 30-minute increments, but nothing was inspiring me at all.

Also? Can I address this portion to VH1? I like to watch music videos in the background while I run and MTV stops playing theirs at 8 a.m. So I am forced to watch VH1. And guess what? Every time, EVERY TIME the exact same videos come on. I don't mind Rihanna all that much because she has some fun fashion happening. But is playing the exact same Train video twice in on hour really necessary?


Anyway, I was plugging along, ready to slow down. But then my absolute, number one most inspirational running song of all time came on my iPod. I've neglected to mention it before since it's kinda played out, but every time I hear "A-Punk" by Vampire Weekend, I'm instantly motivated. See, I like to try and put my foot down every time you hear the drum beat, and that means I have to go faster.

I wonder if 45 minutes of this song is a good idea for Saturday?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Time Crunch

Today is the first day I am too busy to run. Training pushed to Thursday.

If I was Matt, I would totally be worried about how this would ruin my 5K. But I'm not.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Even though I drank half a bottle of wine last night

I still made progress on my workout today.

My two miles clocked in at 31:50 and my 5K time was 46:57.

Mostly what I learned is that my "NYC2012" iPod playlist is pretty terrible. I put a lot of songs that are too slow or have too many tempo changes and I wasn't very inspired. So midway through my run, I shuffled the contents on my entire iPod and realized that the harder a song rocks, the faster I'm going to go.