Thursday, January 28, 2010

Is it too soon for a bad day?

This blog is different than my other one because I'm not going to sugar-coat anything.

When I write about the girls, I learned that people want to read about cute and not about how Ella can be so stubborn and moody and it's not uncommon for her to throw pancakes in restaurants.

So it is with complete honesty that I will admit to having a total bad eating day. Already. And it's only day four.

I had a huge salad at lunch and then tried some of Matt's Pad Thai. Then we took the kids for a pizza dinner because some new place opened by our house. And, though I could have opted for the salad bar, I did not.

The silver lining I will find in all this is that last week, I wouldn't have cared as much as I should have. But now I am full of shame. SHAME!!!

And because of that, no song tonight.

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